What’s This?
The Water Activity License course is held once a year and allows the holder to oversee water activities providing that they hold the correct license. The licenses currently in use are:
Boats under Oars on Flat Waters*
Boats under Oars on Special Inland Waters*
Boats under Oars on Coastal Waters
Boats under Sail on Flat Waters*
Boats under Sail on Special Inland Waters*
Boats under Sail on Coastal Waters
Boats under Power on Flat Waters
Boats under Power on Special Inland Waters
Boats under Power on Coastal Waters
Canoeing on Flat Waters
Canoeing on White Waters
When you do the Water Activity License Course through the region you will get the four licenses marked with an * asterix added to your profile and you can then start adding additional licenses. This can be done by Clicking Here.
Validity & Renewal
The certificate is valid for a period of 5 years and can only be renewed by redoing the course or taking part in the CASS Programme.
The Water Activity License Registry
Below you will find the full database of WAL Holders. If they do not appear on this list then they either do not hold a certificate, it has expired, or they did not consent to have it publicly displayed.
The list automatically removes those individuals with expired certificates so it is always up to date.